Who is this course for?

Course Syllabus

    1. Welcome

    2. Installing VS Code

    3. Coding With ChatGPT

    1. Welcome!

    2. Web Development Tools & Books

    3. Prep Quiz

    4. Capstone Introduction - The Expenses App

    5. Installing Nodejs & Discord

    6. Preparation Work - Introduction

    7. HTML

    8. HTML Introduction

    9. HTML Continued

    10. HMTL Quiz

    11. HTML and CSS

    12. HTML Tags

    13. Adding Static content & Media

    14. HTML Lists

    15. Block level Elements VS In-Line Elements

    16. HTML Form

    17. HTML/CSS Quiz

    1. CSS Part One

    2. HTML box model

    3. HTML Positioning

    4. HTML & CSS

    5. CSS Ordering

    6. Quiz 3

    7. Common Coding Practices HTML & CSS

    8. HTML attributes - Class & ID

    9. Basic CSS Quiz

    1. CSS Part Two

    2. HTML & CSS styling (Extended)

    3. HTML & CSS Flexbox

    4. CSS Block & In Line Block

    5. CSS Flexbox (Extended)

    6. Advanced CSS Quiz

    1. Javascript

    2. Introduction to JavaScript - DataTypes and Variables

    3. Intro 2 JavaScript Quiz

    4. Link HTML with CSS and JavaScript

    5. HTML, CSS and JavaScript Quiz

    6. JavaScript Variables

    7. JavaScript Datatypes

    8. Basic JS Quiz

    9. JavaScript Environment

    10. JavaScript Functions and Scope

    11. JavaScript Function Declaration

    12. Javascript Operators

    13. Javascript Quiz

    1. Introduction The The Expenses App

    2. Adding Content To Your App - Part 1

    3. Adding Content To Your App - Part 2

    4. Styling Your App - Part 1

    5. Styling Your App - Part 2

    6. Making Your App Interactive - Part 1

    7. Making Your App Interactive - Part 2

    8. Making Your App Responsive For Different Devices

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  • How is Xccelerate different from the other institutes?

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  • I do not have any tech background, are these courses suitable for me?

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  • I am not sure which full-time and/or part-time courses I should take, is there a way to erase my concern?.

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  • Are there any trial classes for me to have a basic understanding of the courses?

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  • How many students in each section of the courses? Would it be possible that the instructors might not be able to take care of all the students?

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