Who is this course for?

Course Syllabus

    1. How to use this platform.

    2. Welcome - English

    3. Welcome - Chinese

    4. Web Application Penetration Testing Pre Reading

    5. WebGoat - Warning

    6. Installation Guide - Kali Linux

    7. Whats next?

    1. Welcome to Lab Environment Guide!

    2. Lab Environment Guide - Supporting Notes

    1. Introduction - Week 1

    2. Week 1 - An Introduction to Cybersecurity

    3. VPN_Connection_Guide

    1. Welcome to Week 2

    2. Week 2 - Broken Access Control - Video Lecture

    3. Week 2 - Broken Access Control - Presentation

    4. Week 2 - Broken Access Control - Supporting Notes

    1. Welcome to Week 3

    2. Week 3 - Injection: Part 1 - Video Lecture

    3. Week 3 - Injection: Part 1 - Presentation

    4. Week 3 - Injection: Part 1 - Supporting Notes

    1. Welcome to Week 4

    2. Week 4 - Injection: Part 2 - Video Lecture

    3. Week 4 - Injection: Part 2 - Presentation

    4. Week 4 - Injection: Part 2 - Supporting Notes

    1. Welcome to Week 5

    2. Week 5 - Identification and Authentication Failures - Video Lecture

    3. Week 5 - Identification and Authentication Failures - Presentation

    4. Week 5 - Identification and Authentication Failures - Supporting Notes

    1. Welcome to Week 6

    2. Week 6 - Vulnerable and Outdated Components and Security Logging and Monitoring Failures - Video Lecture

    3. Week 6 - Vulnerable and Outdated Components and Security Logging and Monitoring Failures - Presentation

    4. Week 6 - Vulnerable and Outdated Components and Security Logging and Monitoring Failures - Supporting Notes

    1. Welcome to Week 7

    2. Week 7 - Insecure Design - Video Lecture

    3. Week 7 - Insecure Design - Presentation

    4. Week 7 - Insecure Design - Supporting Notes

    1. Welcome to Week 8

    2. Week 8 - Server-Side Request Forgery - Video Lecture

    3. Week 8 - Server-Side Request Forgery - Presentation

    4. Week 8 - Server-Side Request Forgery - Supporting Notes

    1. Welcome to Week 9

    2. Week 9 - Shell and File Inclusion - Video Lecture

    3. Week 9 - Shell and File Inclusion - Presentation

    4. Week 9 - Shell and File Inclusion - Supporting Notes

    1. Welcome to Week 10

    2. Week 10 - Software and Data Integrity Failures - Video Lecture

    3. Week 10 - Software and Data Integrity Failures - Presentation

    4. Week 10 - Software and Data Integrity Failures - Supporting Notes

    1. Welcome to Exam Formats!

    2. Exam Format - Presentation

    3. Exam Format - Supporting Notes

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  • How is Xccelerate different from the other institutes?

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  • I do not have any tech background, are these courses suitable for me?

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  • I am not sure which full-time and/or part-time courses I should take, is there a way to erase my concern?.

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  • Are there any trial classes for me to have a basic understanding of the courses?

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  • How many students in each section of the courses? Would it be possible that the instructors might not be able to take care of all the students?

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